Sunday, August 8, 2010

I Hate Blogs

My wife has a blog. I make fun of her for having one. My wife reads blogs ... a lot. I make fun of her for this as well. However, I have, at long last, decided to give in to her I-win-this-round-you-schmuck looks and comments and start my own blog. You are right dear ... you win this one.

But it isn't my fault. A year and a half ago when I applied for a job on the North Shore of Oahu in Hawaii, I had no intention of moving there. It was too far from family. Although I have lived away from my family for my entire adult life, it was always comforting to know that with a relatively short plane ride, or a relatively long car ride, I could visit. Hawaii was simply too far ... and there is no chance of driving from Hawaii to ... well ... anywhere.

In addition, I tend to define my quality of life by how much time I spend in the mountains. While Oahu has some beautiful mountains, I tend to like my mountains cold, gray, and icy, not steamy hot and dripping with vegetation. So Hawaii was out. No chance. Plan Z.

Six months after I referred to BYUH as "plan Z" it was suddenly my dream job. Our visit (the university flew not only me, but my wife out for a visit) solidified that there was no place I would rather be than Hawaii. I found that I loved the university and I loved the diversity of students. Which is good since I got the job.

So now I live on a small green rock in the middle of the big blue sea. Family visits once a year or so. Friends promise to visit ... but we have yet to host anyone. Hence this blog. The purpose of this blog will be so that I feel I am doing my part to keep family and friends connected with us a little better. My wife maintains a blog that focuses mostly on homeschooling our children. This blog will focus on how amazing it is to live in La'ie. And make no mistake, it is amazing.

Which brings me to my final point for this initial post. There will be no holding back in this blog. If you easily succumb to feelings of jealousy leading to rage, you may want to avoid this blog. I have a great family, love my job, and live in paradise. I try to be gentle on Facebook (whether my FB friends believe that or not), and not brag about how great my life is too much. Not here. You have been warned.

1 comment:

  1. You're right - I don't believe that you are gentle on Facebook!
